Monday, May 25, 2009

A night out with Palms & Santa

The Palms performed an amazing and unforgettable selection of songs from their freshman album, “It’s Midnight in Honolulu” at Santos Partyhouse (Sessions @ Santos). Nadja, Lead singer, stated the album took 4 years to complete due to the fact the members lived in different countries & when they were together they wanted to mix the experiences they all had went through apart from each other. The sound the band came up for the album with the wide array of musical instruments was electronic romance. The songs spoke of the 18th Century description of romance from a psychotic view. The band’s sound crossed between romance & violence which allowed guest the ability to be able to move and be serenaded. There was a lot of innovation going on that night with Santa’s use of building walls on the dance floor out of garbage bags. Cut in the bag walls were oversized eye holes and gave the dance floor an impression of masks. Before the performance Nadja let me take a peak in her “closet” as she prepared and was innovative by wearing a painter’s pouch that was found in the room. Along with the band being able to work with their surroundings, Nadja incorporated the tables in the sunken in stage during the end of the performance and thanked the crowd. The Palms has another performance in the city before leaving to perform overseas. *Check out their site for dates*

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